Genesis 1:3-5 Bible Study: Illuminating Truths through Slow, Thoughtful Engagement

STEP Program Application to Genesis 1:3-5

Genesis 1:3-5 (NIV): "And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light 'day,' and the darkness he called 'night.' And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day."

Bible Study


  • No Rush: Slow down to absorb the significance of the first act of creation - the introduction of light.

  • Small Segments:

    • Example: These verses describe the first creative act, the initiation of light, and the establishment of day and night.

    • Method: Focus on:

      • Verse 3: The power of God's Word to create.

      • Verse 4: The evaluation of creation as "good" and the separation of light from darkness.

      • Verse 5: Naming and structuring time into days.

Slow Reading:

  • Technique: Read each verse slowly, contemplating the implications. "Let there be light" - what does this command reveal about the nature of God's power?

  • Mental Imagery: Visualize the moment light pierces through the darkness, imagine the transformation, the separation of light and dark, and the first day's cycle.


Focused Meditation:

  • Verse Repetition: Meditate on "Let there be light." Consider the symbolism of light in your life, the darkness, and the power of God's command.

  • Process: In your quiet place, repeat this phrase, letting the idea of light - illumination, revelation, truth - resonate within you.

Scene Visualization

  • Imagination: Picture the scene where darkness gives way to light. Visualize the first rays, the separation, and the establishment of time.

  • Application: Put yourself in that moment. How does light change everything? Reflect on how God's light in your life separates confusion from clarity, despair from hope.


Application to Life:

  • Lesson Activation: Pray for the light of God's truth to illuminate your daily path, to help you discern good from evil, right from wrong.

  • Confession and Request:

    • Struggles: Confess areas in your life where you've been living in darkness, be it ignorance, sin, or despair.

    • Past Mistakes: Reflect on times when you've neglected God's light or followed paths of darkness, asking for forgiveness and a fresh start.

    • Future Guidance: Seek guidance to live in the light, to make decisions that honor God's declaration of light as 'good'.

Bold Requests:

  • Testing Faith: Ask for situations where you can demonstrate the power of living in God's light. Pray for courage to be a light in dark places, to share God's truth, and to stand firm against darkness.

Through the STEP method, Genesis 1:3-5 becomes not just a historical account of creation but a living lesson on the power of God's word, the goodness of His creation, and the foundational principles of light and time in our spiritual lives.


Genesis 1:6-8 Bible Study: Exploring the Sky with Slow, Thoughtful Engagement


STEP Program: Genesis 1:1-2